News column: 'Leading the American empire – and rest of the world with it – into a dark abyss'
An Israeli news columnist is scorching Barack Obama as possibly the worst U.S. president in history, calling him "a living and breathing nightmare."
Yigal Walt says Obama "is solidifying his status as the worst president in American history. The leader who promised us a bright future of peace and fraternity is leading the American empire – and the rest of the world with it – into a dark abyss." "Ever since he settled into the Oval Office, Obama has been hopping from one disaster to the next, making every possible mistake, boosting enemies and disregarding allies while ruining everything he touches in the process," Walt writes. He says Obama was silent when the masses hit Iran's street and threatened to topple the ayatollah's regime. "Why should he support a struggle waged by freedom-hungry citizens against a radical Islamic dictatorship and chronic human rights violator? And so, a rare opportunity to change the face of a state that today constitutes the gravest threat to world and regional peace slipped away." Instead, Walt says, Obama buddied up to Syrian President Bashar Assad and remained silent, again, when Assad started butchering his own people. "For the time being, Obama keeps muttering, Assad keeps murdering, and the world keeps watching and doing nothing," Walt writes. Obama is also criticized for allegedly eroding NATO in the effort to oust Libya's Muammar Gadhafi. "And so, the once-intimidating NATO alliance found itself entangled above Libya's deserts for long months in a 'battle of giants' against a state whose army is sometimes reminiscent of a Jenin street gang from a decade ago," says Walt. "Now, with Gadhafi's rule finally drawing to an end, the president kindly took time off from his vacation to festively declare that the future is in the Libyan people's hands – while local tribes are preparing for the imminent bloodshed and al-Qaida is reinforcing its hold on the country." Walt's blistering attack on Obama concludes with a fondness communicated for Obama's predecessor. "The ongoing disaster called Obama may prompt some of us to apologize to another American president, one George W. Bush," Walt writes. "He was called stupid, incoherent and naive; he was said to understand nothing and know nothing – yet now it turns out that the cowboy from Texas had a much better grasp on reality than his many critics. Even if his motives were at times as naive as Obama's, the former president combined them with an iron fist, immense determination and admirable loyalty to his allies. "Yet Bush is already a distant dream, while Obama is a living and breathing nightmare. Now all that's left is to wait and see whether America's citizens will be able to remove him from the White House before he destroys everything."