by Alan Korwin


In the great din of the national firearms debate it s easy to lose sight of the noble and respectable place firearms hold and have always held in American life. While some gun use in America is criminal and despicable, other applications appeal to the highest ideals our society cherishes, and are enshrined in and ensured by the statutes on the books:

bulletProtecting your family in emergencies
bulletPersonal safety and self defense
bulletPreventing and deterring crimes
bulletDetaining criminals for arrest
bulletGuarding our national borders
bulletPreserving our interests abroad
bulletHelping defend our allies
bulletOvercoming tyranny
bulletInternational trade
bulletEmergency preparedness
bulletCommerce and employment
bulletHistorical preservation and study
bulletObtaining food by hunting
bulletOlympic competition
bulletSporting pursuits
bulletTarget practice
bulletRecreational shooting

News reports, by focusing almost exclusively on criminal misuse of firearms, create the false impression that firearms and crime are directly linked, when in fact almost all guns never have any link whatsoever to crime. The media, while claiming to be unbiased, judiciously ignore stories concerning justifiable homicide in legitimate self defense, which occur almost daily according to the FBI. There is silence on the effect the industry has on jobs in the manufacturing sector, contributions to the tax base, capital and investments, scientific advances, national trade and balance of payments, ballistics, chemistry, metallurgy, and, of course, the enjoyment of millions of decent people who use firearms righteously. Some people associate guns with crime, fear and danger, and want them to go away. Those who associate guns with liberty, freedom, honor, strength and safety understand the irreplaceable role firearms play in our lives.


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