Microsoft's "Applications
Barrier to Entry":
The Missing 70,000 Programs
by Richard McKenzie
Richard McKenzie is a professor
in the Graduate School of Management at the University of California, Irvine; author of Trust
on Trial: How the Microsoft Case Is Reframing the Rules of Competition and an adjunct scholar of the Cato Institute.

Executive Summary
Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson
bases his ruling against Microsoft on the claim that the companys monopoly in
operating systems is protected by an "applications barrier to entry" made up of
70,000 Windows-based software programs.
Without an entry barrier, any
dominant producer that seeks to restrict sales in order to raise prices above competitive
levels will find its market share eroded as new entrants capture price-sensitive
customers. But, according to Judge Jackson, to enter the operating-system market a
newcomer would need a large and varied base of compatible applications like those
available to consumers who might otherwise choose Windows. He concludes that "the
amount it would cost an operating system vendor to create [70,000] applications is
prohibitively large."
Judge Jackson seems unaware
that the mere existence of a large number of Windows-based applications proves that
Microsoft has stirred competition among software developersleading to better
products and falling prices and raising the value of both hardware and software to
consumers. That said, there is a fatal flaw in the judge's argument: The overwhelming
majority of the 70,000 Windows applications that make up the supposedly impregnable
barrier to entry either never existed as unique products, no longer exist, or are totally
out of date. When only unique Windows applications are countedsetting aside various
versions of the same programthe number of applications is a small fraction of the
judge's count.
Moreover, survey data indicate
that the needs of active computer users are satisfied by a very small number of
applications. That means the barrier to entry into the operating-system market is nowhere
near as impregnable as the judge has claimed, which in turn helps explain many of
Microsoft's aggressive business tactics to preserve its market position. Because the
judge's most essential finding is clearly erroneous, it cannot support his conclusions of