General Computer Tips

Here you'll find helpful tips and practical advice to make your computer time more productive and fun.

Write E-Mail Off-Line

It is often best to write your e-mail before you go on-line. Start your e-mail program or your browser. If it tries to automatically dial in, just hit cancel or choose "Work Off-line." Write your e-mail, then go on-line and send the message.

Looking At Files On A Floppy
If you're viewing the contents of a floppy disk, and then insert another disk into your floppy drive, how do you view the new disk's contents? We hope not by opening My Computer and double-clicking the Floppy Drive icon. There's a much faster way. Simply hit F5 to refresh the open floppy disk window's contents. The contents of the old disk will disappear from the window, replaced by those of the new one.

Easy Help
If you don't understand a button or an option in a Windows 95 dialog box, get some help--and we don't mean by choosing Help in the Start menu and weeding through the index. Right-mouse click the button or option, and in most cases, you'll see a What's This? button. Click it for the inside scoop.

Copy Floppy
Double-click on the My Computer icon. Right-click on the floppy disk icon. Choose Copy Disk from the pop-up menu.

Keyboard Shortcuts
When you see a letter underlined in a menu choice, it means that there is a keyboard shortcut for that item. Holding down the key marked "Alt" and pressing the underlined letter at the same time will produce the same results as clicking the mouse on the word. For example: File = Alt + f Format = Alt +o

Be Careful With The Recycle Bin
When you move files from your hard drive to the Recycle Bin, they are stored there until you empty the Recycle Bin. However, files deleted from external drives (such as a network or Zip drive), or from a floppy disk never make it to the Recycle Bin. When deleting files from these locations, you'll want to be extra careful.
Mouse Clicking
Clicking with the left mouse button will select any item. Clicking with the right button will give you information about the item or things that you can do with that item.

Go To An Address Quickly
When you are browsing the Internet and you want to go to a certain address, just press the CTRL key. Hold it down and press the L key at the same time. A window will open where you can type in the www address you want to go to. If you are using the most current versions of Netscape Navigator, use the O key instead. The L stands for location. O stands for open.
Controlling The Size Of The Cache
All Web browsers use cache files and history files to save the contents of the most recent Web sites you've visited. You can control how big these files become by using the "Preference" or "Option" menu of the browser to change the default settings.

Finding The Version #
The manufacturer just announced a new version of your favorite software, but you're not sure which version you are currently using. In most programs, you can choose "Help" from the menu bar and then choose "About (the program name)." You will be presented with a screen that gives the version number and other pertinent information about the program.

Proper Monitor Positioning
Try to keep your computer monitor at least two feet away from you. It is better for your eyes and will keep you farther away any possible electromagnetic radiation that may be emanating from the monitor.

Backup Your Files
Be sure to back up any important files. If disaster strikes, you can reinstall your programs from the original floppy disks or CD-ROMs, but you cannot recreate the data files and documents that you have created unless you have a back-up copy.

Run Several Copies Of Your Browser At Once
You can run more than one copy of your Internet browser at the same time. If you find a web site that you are interested in and would like to refer back to, just go to that site, then minimize it. Start another copy of your browser so you can keep on surfing. Then switch between the two by using the taskbar at the bottom of your Windows 95 screen.

Increase Text Size
Make the type in Internet Explorer larger. Select View from the menu on the top of the screen. Then choose Text size and select a larger size font. In Navigator, choose View, then Increase Font Size (repeat to increase even more).

Shortcut To Web Page
Find a really important Web site? Right-click on the page you like and choose Create Shortcut. A shortcut to the page will appear right on your desktop.

Modem Speaker
Silence your modem speaker. Open the Control Panel and double-click Modems. Select your modem, click Properties, and move the lever under Speaker volume to None. Click OK twice.

Stuck In A Frame
Ever seem to get stuck in a Web page. Right-click on any link and choose Open in New Window. You will be completely released from the previous page.

Send A Web Page Via E-Mail
Send a Web page via e-mail. Go to the Web page you wish to send, right-click and choose Send Page or hit the Mail icon and choose Send Page.

Select More Than One
You can select more than one file at a time by holding down the CTRL key while you click on your selections. This works in Windows as well as many other programs.

Eject A CD
To quickly eject a CD from the CD-ROM drive, open My Computer or Windows Explorer, right-click on the CD-ROM icon and choose Eject from the menu.

Right-click on any blank area of your Windows desktop. Choose Properties. Then click on the Background tab. Use the up and down arrows to change your background (wallpaper). Click OK and you're done.

Reserved Characters
/\ : ? ' < > | These characters are reserved for special use by the computer. Don't use any of these characters when you name files.

Take breaks often when working on the computer. It's good to give both your body and your mind a break.

Keep liquids away from your computer. Spills are dangerous to almost all computer components.

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