| Carry copies of prescriptions.
"They're written in Latin, the universal language of pharmacists," notes
Richard Coorsh, spokesman for the Health Insurance ssociation of America.
 | Carry medications with you in their
original containers, clearly labeled. Don't put them in checked luggage.
 | If you have a chronic health condition,
check with your doctor before you travel, and wear a medical alert bracelet.
 | Carry contact information for your doctor
and health plan. Fill out the space in your passport for medical information.
 | For international travel, get all
recommended (not just required) vaccinations for the specific country and region.
Information on vaccinations is available on the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention's travel Web
 | Pack a first-aid kit, including bandages
and medications for minor wounds, over-the-counter medications and tweezers.
 | Protect your health by wearing seatbelts,
using sunscreen, and paying attention to food and water safety.
 | Keep copies of all bills and records for
treatment on the road to submit at home.
 | Carry copies of insurance claim forms --
even if your plan's procedures don't normally require the member to handle the forms. |