Here are two small easy to play lots of fun old favorite
games. Most modern computers will have no problem
playing them. You may need to use "FullScreen" in your
browser while playing to see everything. Also be sure
to turn on those speakers to hear the sounds which are
really nice.
It might take a few seconds to load to your screen the
first time and will pop up when it's ready. Just follow
the instructions at the bottom to begin playing.
UFO Invaders are trying to land and take over earth.
If they land, it's all over. Your job is to save earth by
destroying them by blowing them out of the sky. You
shoot your missiles and aim at them to hit them so
they blow up. Oh one problem, you can only shoot
one missile at a time on the screen, best don't miss.
But they keep coming, more and more. The game
keeps count of all your hits, see how many you can
get and good luck.
Click here to play
It might take a few seconds to load to your screen
the first time and will pop up when it's ready. This is
the same breakout game that you have always seen
as far as how it works. To read the rules of play,
Click here for Breakout Rules.
Breakout has always been a challenging fun game.
This version has an big advantage in that you can
customize it as you like. Everything from the colors
to ball and paddle sizes, etc. can be customized your
way. It can be made easier or harder to play which
helps you as you learn. It also keeps count for you
so you can see how your doing. See how good you
get with this game. Has great sound effects too.

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