Lightening Things Up A Little!
I know you
appreciate a good clean joke. This one has been cracking us up at the office for a couple
of days. Feel free to use it when you need to lighten things up a little!
A middle-aged man recently bought himself a new Beemer (BMW). He was out on the highway
putting it through its paces, fooling along about eighty miles per hour. He was really
enjoying himself until he noticed in his rear view mirror that he had picked up a police
car in pursuit.
He decided the police car was no match for his new Beemer and punched it. Once he reached
about 110 miles per hour, suddenly, his brain started to function normally again, and he
decided it would be best to pull over.
The police officer approached him and took his license and registration without saying a
word. When he returned, obviously not in a very good mood, he said, My shift just
ended and I really dont want to have to write you up. If you can give me a good
excuse that Ive never heard before, Ill let you go this time.
The man gave it some thought and slowly responded, My wife left me recently to have
an affair with a cop. I was afraid that cop was you, and you were trying to give her
The policeman shook his head and left.
Hope you enjoyed it!

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