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Related Web Sites for Seniors


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Access America for Seniors

The Access America for Seniors Web site is designed to help seniors conduct business online easier and faster with federal agencies. The site recently announced its new Retirement Planner which enables planning for retirement, including considerations related to information about savings, investment, pensions, housing and medical coverage. You'll find this - and more - at the web site, a joint effort of multiple agencies in the federal government, including The Health Care Financing Administration.

Access America On-Line Magazine

Access America On-Line Magazine features the stories of real people, federal workers and their customers, who are making the vision of Access America come true. The stories are organized under the 18 topics in the Access America Action Plan-topics that Americans care about.

Administration on Aging

The American Association on Aging web site includes information designed for Older Americans and their families as well as those concerned about providing the opportunities and services to enrich the lives of older persons and support their independence.

American Retired Persons Association

This site serves the needs of people age 50 and older by providing information, education, advocacy, and medical coverage needs.


Medicare Return
Medicare Return