Clinical Preventive Services for
Normal-Risk Adults
(18 years and older)
Recommended by Most U.S. Authorities
Ages (1) Who Screening How Often
18-75 years Men and women Blood pressure Periodically
18-75 years Men and women Height and weight Periodically
18-75 years Men and women Dental Periodically
18-75 years Men and women Alcohol use Periodically
18-75 years Women Pap smear Every 1-3 years
35-65 years Men Cholesterol Every 5 years
45-65 years Women Cholesterol Every 5 years
50-70 years(2) Women Mammography Every 1-2 years
50-75 years Men and women Sigmoidoscopy Every 5-10 years
50-75 years Men and women Fecal occult blood Yearly
65-75 years Men and women Vision Periodically
65-75 years Men and women Hearing Periodically
(1) Upper age limits should be determined on a
case-by-case basis.
(2) See counseling section for
mammography recommendations.

Ages Who Immunization How Often
18-75 years Men and women Tetanus-Diphtheria Every 10 years
18-75 years Men and women Varicella (chicken pox) Once (2 doses)
who have not
had chicken pox
18-50 years Nonimmune Measles, mumps, rubella Once (1 dose)
women of child-
bearing age
65-75 years Men and women Pneumoccoccal Once in a lifetime
65-75 years Men and women Influenza (flu) Yearly

Who Topic How Often
Your health care provider should take time to discuss the following
topics with you
Women ages 18-75 years Calcium intake Periodically
Women of childbearing age Folic acid Periodically
Peri- and postmenopausal Hormone replacement Periodically
Women ages 40-75 years Mammography Periodically
Men ages 50-75 years Prostate cancer Periodically
Men and women Tobacco cessation Periodically
Men and women Drug and alcohol use Periodically
Men and women Sexually transmitted Periodically
diseases and HIV
Men and women Family planning Periodically
Men and women Domestic violence Periodically
Men and women Unintentional injuries Periodically
Men and women Seat belt use Periodically
Men and women Nutrition Periodically
Men and women Physical activity Periodically
Men and women Polypharmacy Periodically
Elderly men and women Fall prevention Periodically

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