Reprinted from the Ann Landers column
in the Philadelphia Inquirer - Tues, July 18, 2000.



Dear Ann Landers:

Please tell your readers they should not only have life insurance, but nursing-home insurance as well. Some long-term care is so expensive, you have to sell your home and live in a rented room, or with the kids to pay for it. When I found out the cost of caring for my husband, I worried about how I could afford it. Not everyone is lucky enough to die before they hit the floor. Most of us will need some kind of long-term care before we pass on.

Nursing-home insurance is not advertised the way life insurance is. I had to ask my insurance agent about it. Some policies will pay for nursing care in your own home, ranging from $10 an hour to $125 for the day. All you have to do is call a nursing home and find out what it costs per day to understand the importance of this kind of insurance.

I feel blessed that I haven’t required nursing care yet, but it could happen. The younger you are, the lower the payments. Urge your readers not to wait until it’s too late. Tell them to get smart and get insurance.

Beaverton, Ore.

Dear Beaver:

You told them, and I appreciate it because I did not know that such insurance was available. Thanks for educating me as well as millions of others. What you have written could be a godsend.




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